'"Can I game on it" is a frequently asked question we hear from Windows users toying with the idea of trying Linux for the first time. Well, the simple answer is yes!
To demonstrate the level of sophistication available, we have put together a list of 42 high quality Linux games'
24 Mai, 2008
22 Mai, 2008
Required Reading: Ultra Large Systems
"At Divmod, we're always talking about the future of computing, software, and the network. This usually focuses on our work with Twisted or the Divmod platform. But we have also spent considerable time assessing research in the area of what is called "ultra large systems." Our primary business interest with this revolves around development, deployment, and management. However, there is a great deal of work that needs to be done to make ULS a reality."
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Ist eigentlich ganz einfach...
- imagemagick: installieren (Linux, Mac, Windows)
"ImageMagick is free software delivered as a ready-to-run binary distribution or as source code that you may freely use, copy, modify, and distribute. Its license is compatible with the GPL. It runs on all major operating systems." - In einer Konsole*:
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eingeben - Fertig!
Neuronale Netze für die Lagerhaltung
25 Reasons to Convert to Linux
"Businesses, educational institutions, governmental agencies and other organizations around the world are converting1 their computer operating systems from Microsoft Windows to Linux at an increasing pace. They are likewise converting their application programs from commercial software to free software (also referred to as open source software). There are at least 25 reasons for this situation, including:"#
Encontrado en http://barrapunto.com
FAZ.NET: Ein-Mann-Fluggerät „Fusionman“ gibt Gas
"14. Mai 2008 Yves Rossy hat am Mittwoch über den Waadtländer Alpen erstmals vor der Presse sein Ein-Mann-Fluggerät demonstriert. [...]"
"13 Wege, um sein Hobby zu Geld zu machen"
"Über einen Blog-Eintrag der Leute von 451 CAOS Theory bin ich auf diese interessante Liste gestoßen: 13 Business-Modelle für Open-Source-Firmen."
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